Choose yours
Mighty Kids offers three different type of boxes for children ages 0-7. Find out which box fits your families needs.
Ages 0-3
Each toddler box comes with:
2 board books
1 fun engaging activity for each book
Parent tips for each book
Themed merchandise for each book
The hand selected activities for this box are created to encourage reading and print awareness for toddlers. These are skills that you do on a regular basis as an adult. Your child will learn through your actions and examples during the story time process, You will also create fun memories for you and your child to enjoy. Each book box will have a focus on these concepts and tips on how you can encourage and strengthen them. The stories in each box can range from classics, new releases, themed, and seasonal favorites.
Ages 4-7
Each box comes with:
1 picture book
1 activity card
1 conversation card
1 game card
Themed merchandise